
Sunday, May 29, 2011

There are no stupid questions. Yes there are stupid and obnoxious people who you should avoid when asking a naive question to, unless of course you like rhetorical, confidence depleting answers. The fact of the matter is none of us were born healthcare workers; none of us had the innate ability to diagnose and or care for individuals. We were all trained and every healthcare worker had to start from the beginning. This includes every medical student turned cardiovascular surgeon, every graduate nurse turned chief nursing officer.  So here is to all the rookies out there and all the rookie mistakes. Piss on all those who talked smack because everyone starts somewhere. Find a good mentor who is open and knowledgeable. Profit from your mistakes, they are the very basis of your knowledge; as long as you can learn and develop from them.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Here we go!

To borrow from a friend's post "Thoughts count, but only action matters". I am starting this blog to give a inside perspective regarding my experience in healthcare. I want to talk about the many different career fields in healthcare, both inside and outside of the hospital. The obstacles that have to be overcome to enter healthcare. The daily tasks and conundrums we face as healthcare workers. Finally, insight into education and advancement opportunities that many may or may not be aware of to advance their salary and practice. These are my personal insights and I plan to interview those that I work with to get their perspective as well. Any suggestions or comments are always welcome. I hope you are entertained and educated by post yet to come.